讚賞幣 (LikeCoin) 基金會

讚賞鍵現在已支援 WordPress 外掛,讓 WordPress 上的作者也能受惠。

LikeCoin ( https://like.co ) is a movement to reinvent the Like and rewards content creators. Two major elements of LikeCoin are LikeButton and LikeChain.

LikeButton is placed under creative contents, and generates rewards for the creators when clicked.

LikeChain is a blockchain for creative contents registry, stores content fingerprints and traces content footprint to reward all involved stakeholders in collaborative works.

• Official site: https://like.co
• Medium: https://medium.com/likecoin
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/likecoin_fdn
• Telegram: https://t.me/likecoin
• Facebook: https://fb.com/likecoin.foundation